NCMRR Partnership Update

Line in the Sand’s partnership with Nature Conservation Margaret River Region has continued to have a meaningful impact in 2023 with LITS funding helping to facilitate both the Adopt A Spot and Caring for Coast programs.

Highlights from the Adopt a Spot program so far this year:

  • 8 in-class presentations with schools on the values and threats to each site from Yallingup to Augusta

  • 8 planting sessions with coastal schools

  • 2,250 cuttings planted and 4 loads of brush laid

  • 217 children engaged in the program

  • 53 adult volunteers engaged and liaised with Yallingup LCDC, Rangers from DBCA, Friends of GCBC, Friends of Nguraren Kalleep, MR Coastal Residents and Friends of Redgate

Highlights from the 'Caring for Coast' program so far this year (to Oct 2023):

Six events, organised across the following locations, with 254 volunteers planting 1300 plants and laying 85m3 of brush.

  • Gnarabup Headland - 49 volunteers, brushed old tracks and unsafe limestone cliffs to manage access and allow native vegetation to regenerate

  • Gas Bay/Sewers - 34 volunteers, 400 native plants and brushing

  • Rivermouth - 60 volunteers, 500 native plants, removal of weeds and brushing.

  • Gas Bay - World Surf League event, 20 volunteers, 100 native plants and brushing 

  • North Point - 45 volunteers, 200 native plants, 10m3 brush, removal of weeds (dune onion and P. capitatum)

  • Redgate - 10 volunteers, 5m3 brush on dunes to protect plantings and close access / native plant regeneration

  • Honeycombs - two events facilitated with Department Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions. Installation of sand trap fencing, jute matting to stabilise dunes,  brushing and planting of pigface

These events were organised in association with local groups including Margaret River Coastal Residents Association, Shire of Augusta Margaret River, Margaret River Wine Association, Gracetown Cowaramup Bay Community Inc, Friends of Gracetown / Cowaramup Bay, Cowaramup Bay Boardriders and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

If you would like to volunteer for future Nature Conservation Margaret River events, you can sign up here


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Volunteer Call-out!