LITS in the Sunday Times

Line in the Sand's Co-Founder and Treasurer David Martin is featured in The Sunday Times newspaper this week!

Identified as a ‘Person of Interest’ for an article in the Outdoor Explorer section, David has provided insight into why Line in the Sand was established, and the importance of working together as a community to facilitate change.

"We started Line in the Sand because we could see the environment in the Cape to Cape region was coming under increasing pressure from population growth and higher visitation, and we felt the local environmental groups could do with some help.”

"Line in the Sand raises money through private donors and collaborations with local businesses, and then works with environmental groups to design and implement environmental programs in the area."

David highlighted the Gracetown Cowaramup Bay Community Feral Animal Management Project, and Nature Conservation Margaret River Region's Adopt a Spot Program as two of the initiatives Line in the Sand is currently supporting. We're inspired by the many community groups conducting on-the-ground work to rehabilitate and conserve our fragile environment.

Thanks to Outdoor Explorer for featuring David and Line in the Sand. You can read the full article here.


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